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Who is in the running to be the next Speaker of the House of Commons?


John Bercow stepped down from the role of Speaker of the House of Commons on 31 October. This has triggered an election to replace him, which will take place on 4 November.  

The table below lists MPs who have publicly indicated that they will seek to be candidates for Speaker of the Commons. It will be updated as and when other MPs declare their intentions.




Notable roles held

Notable views

Chris Bryant Labour

Rhondda (first elected 2001)

  • Chairman of the House Finance Committee (since 2017)
  • Under secretary of state for Europe and Asia (2009–10)
  • Under secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs (2008–09)
  • Deputy leader of the House of Commons (2008–09)


Has suggested a ‘Speaker’s conference’ be held to discuss the procedural and parliamentary issues raised in recent years.

Believes next Speaker should help Parliament to heal following a different period in which it has been “bloodied and bruised”.

Emphasises that he would not belittle or lecture MPs from the Chair.

Wishes the use the Speaker’s House to host international guests and welcome MPs’ partners as a means of helping develop a parliamentary community.

Sir Lindsay Hoyle Labour

Chorley (first elected 1997)

  • Deputy Speaker of the Commons and Chairman of Ways and Means (since 2010)
  • Member, European Scrutiny Committee (2005–10)
  • Member, Trade and Industry Committee (1998–2007)


Has raised concerns about MPs’ security and the abuse of members of Parliament. Hoyle was in the Chair during the March 2017 terrorist attack in Westminster.

Wants expansion of in-Parliament wellbeing services to include MPs’ constituency staff.

Has emphasised problems with the parliamentary buildings and wants to see “all options on the table” for the decant of Parliament during restoration and renewal works. Has suggested getting parliamentary cats.
Dame Eleanor Laing Conservative

Epping Forest (first elected 1997)

  • Deputy Speaker of the Commons (since 2013)
  • Shadow junior justice minister (2007–10)
  • Shadow secretary of state for Scotland (2005)
  • Shadow minister for women and equality (2004–05)

Wants to see less aggression in debates, and thinks that generational shift in MPs, as well as more women MPs and a more family-friendly environment, will help this.

Has reminded MPs as deputy speaker that they do not have an automatic right to be called when they wish to speak in a debate.

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