Working to make government more effective

House of Commons green files

MPs are crucial in encouraging effective government. As well as representing their constituents, they play a key role in scrutinising government policy and legislation, and holding ministers to account. But we also know that the transition from PPC to MP can be daunting, with new MPs facing a vast in-tray of constituency work, government legislation, and new policy announcements – all while navigating the unique world of parliament. 

The IfG Academy will be drawing on its expertise in how government works to offer a range of support to MPs elected in July, including written resources and private workshops that will help MPs to enhance their understanding of how government really works, and think through what this means for their ability to have impact.

If you are a PPC, keep an eye on this page for further information, and in the meantime please email to find out more about our plans and how we can support new MPs.

IfG Academy team