Working to make government more effective

IfG in the news

Prepare for government!

IfG Director Peter Riddell talks to Total Politics about challenges for the civil service as electioneering begins. 

Total Politics looks at pre-election contacts ahead of the 2015 general election. Peter Riddell, Director at the Institute for Government, told the magazine: 

 “A challenge for Whitehall now is how you ensure that governing carries on whilst recognising that people are increasingly thinking electorally. It’s a challenge for politicians as well as civil servants…

“Everyone knows what happens under a single-party government and a major opposition party. It’s much more complicated [with a coalition]. One of the partners may be aligned to the opposition party in 15 months’ time. How do the civil servants behave?”

The Institute for Government's project, Year 5: Whitehall and the parties in the final year of coalition, is due to report later in Spring 2014.


Total Politics

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