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Online event

After the referendum: the implications for Whitehall

The Institute for Government held the first in a series of public events exploring the implications of the UK’s decision to leave the EU.


The Institute for Government has held the first in a series of public events exploring the implications of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. 

This first event looked at the implications of the EU referendum’s result for Whitehall. The result will lead to profound changes in the way the UK is governed. The event examined how well Whitehall is positioned for the challenges ahead, especially in light of the controversy around the role of the Civil Service during the campaign. And looking forward, the panel will discuss how Whitehall should prepare for the tasks it will face in light of the inevitable uncertainty about the precise nature and timing of the coming issues.

 The panel included:

  • Bernard Jenkin MP, Chair of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
  • Lord Andrew Turnbull, formerly Permanent Secretary of the Treasury 1998-2002 and Cabinet Secretary 2002-2005
  • Melanie Dawes, Permanent Secretary DCLG and Chair of the Civil Service People Committee
  • Jane Dudman – Editor of Guardian Public Leaders Network
  • Julian McCrae, Deputy Director of the Institute for Government

The event was chaired by Hannah White, Programme Director at the Institute for Government.

Read our analysis of this event – Brexit: what now for Whitehall?

More events in the series will be announced soon.

@ifgevents #IFGBrexit

Civil servants
Country (international)
European Union
Institute for Government

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