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Online event

Brexit: How should the UK approach Brexit negotiations?

The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome Sir Simon Fraser, former Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. 


The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome Sir Simon Fraser, former Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and Head of the Diplomatic Service. He has also served as Permanent Secretary of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; Chef du Cabinet for Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson; and Director General, Europe and Globalisation at the FCO.

At this event, Sir Simon considered:

  • the options available to the UK in negotiations to leave the EU and to establish its new relationship with the remaining members
  • the timing, process and conduct of the talks
  • the main players.

The discussion was chaired by Bronwen Maddox, Director of the Institute for Government.

Read the blog from this event  Simon Fraser: Parliament will have ‘some sort of vote’ in Brexit


Institute for Government

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