Working to make government more effective

In-person event

Cities, Mayors and Growth (this event was held at City Hall)

The Institute for Government and the Mayor of London held a special event at City Hall to discuss city leadership, business and economic growth.

The Institute for Government and the Mayor of London held a special event at City Hall to discuss city leadership, business and economic growth. In conversation with:

  • Boris Johnson - Mayor of London
  • Lord Heseltine - Chair of the Regional Growth Fund and former Deputy Prime Minister
  • Lord Adonis - Director of the Institute for Government and former Secretary of State for Transport

Topics discussed included:

  • The role of Mayors, based on the experience of the London Mayoralty
  • The role of local political leaders in driving economic growth;
  • The institutions and models of government that will best enable local economic growth and encourage productive relationships with the business community.
  • Effective tools in central and local government for boosting economic growth.
  • Is fundamental political change necessary to reinvigorate our cities?

Institute for Government tweeted live from City Hall, read the tweets: @ifgevents and #citymayors

Public figures
Boris Johnson
Institute for Government

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