Working to make government more effective

In-person event

The Coalition One Year On

We held an event to discuss the Coalition's first year and the challenges that lie ahead.

To coincide with the launch of the report The Coaltion One Year On, we held an event to discuss the Coalition's first year and the challenges that lie ahead.

The report pulsl together our analysis of how the coalition has performed, what lessons have been learnt and what are the most critical challenges on the horizon.

It includes essays by Institute researchers and fellows on:

  • how effectively the coalition partners have worked together - and what challenges lie ahead 
  • how the government has reshaped Downing Street and the rest of Whitehall,
  • how well the coalition has delivered on its key policy objectives of tackling the deficit, reforming the constitution and creating a Big Society,
  • how the Opposition and Parliament have adapted to the presence of a coalition government,
  • what the public think of coalition government as a way to run the country, and of how successful each of the coalition partners have been.

The report also includes short articles responding to each chapter written by leading practitioners and other experts, including our panellists.


  • Nick Boles Conservative MP for Grantham and Stamford, founder of Policy Exchange, Institute for Government Fellow 
  • Lord (Jim) Wallace of Tankerness - Advocate General, former Deputy First Minister of Scotland during the Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition 
  • Will Straw - Associate Director for Strategic Development at ippr, and founder of Left Foot Forward  
  • Peter Riddell - Institute for Government Senior Fellow, Chair of the Hansard Society

The event was chaired by Andrew Adonis, Director of the Institute for Government.

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