Working to make government more effective

In-person event

In Defence of Politicians (In spite of themselves) by Peter Riddell

On 10 May, Peter Riddell spoke with David Miliband MP and Andrew Adonis about his new book.

"In their hour of acute need, the British political class has found a true and candid friend in Peter Riddell"
— Peter Hennessy

In a lively and gripping essay on contemporary politics, Peter Riddell remakes the case for representing democracy but concludes that it needs to be strengthened.

In Defence of Politicians (In spite of themselves) is a timely and considered defence of the political process and its practitioners at a time when they are relentlessly under fire, this book will realign the way we look at our politicians.

On 10 May, Peter Riddell spoke with David Miliband MP and Andrew Adonis about his new book.

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Institute for Government

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