Working to make government more effective

In-person event

Inside the Banking Commission: the making of the banking reform proposals

The Institute for Government held an event to hear Sir John Vickers talk to the BBC Business Editor Robert Peston about how the commission worked.

Sir John Vickers was unable to attend the event because of family difficulties. Robert Peston was joined by Sam Woods.

The Independent Commission on Banking, chaired by Sir John Vickers, reported in September 2011. The report's far-reaching proposals for reform of the UK banking system aim to avoid the risk that the taxpayer is ever again required to bail out a bank that is "too big to fail". It proposed:

  • Ring-fencing retail banking
  • Increased capital and loss-absorbing debt requirements for banks
  • Greater competition and transparency

The Institute for Government held an event to hear Sir John Vickers talk to the BBC Business Editor Robert Peston about how the commission worked. The discussion included insight into the commission's use of evidence and how it arrived at its recommendations, as well as looking more generally at the benefits and risks of policy making through the use of independent commissions.

More information

Read the blog by Sam Sims

Institute for Government are grateful to Aldermore who supported this event.

Institute for Government

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