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Online event

Aid and development after Brexit

At this event, Matthew Rycroft, Permanent Secretary at the Department for International Development, set out his thinking about the future of UK aid.

After Brexit, the UK will take back control of the £1.5 billion in overseas aid currently channelled through the EU and will be free to develop its bilateral relationships through trade and development as it sees fit. But the Government is already offering to stay involved in the EU’s development work, proposing an ongoing ‘strategic partnership’.

At this event, Matthew Rycroft, Permanent Secretary at the Department for International Development (DfID), set out his thinking about the future of UK aid and development after Brexit.

To discuss, our panel included:

  • Mikaela Gavas, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Global Development and Special Adviser to the House of Commons International Development Committee
  • Kirsty McNeill, Executive Director of Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns at Save the Children

The event was chaired by Jill Rutter, Brexit Programme Director at the Institute for Government. 

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