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Online event

Anneliese Dodds MP – in conversation with Bronwen Maddox

The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Anneliese Dodds MP for an in conversation event.

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The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Anneliese Dodds MP for an in conversation event with Bronwen Maddox, Director of the Institute for Government.

They discussed the government’s economic response to the coronavirus, the implications of Rishi Sunak’s emergency fiscal measures, and what should be done to help businesses and individuals as the furlough scheme is wound down and the lockdown is lifted. The Shadow Chancellor set out Labour’s economic policies and priorities and explain how the opposition’s policies have developed since she succeeded John McDonnell as Shadow Chancellor.

Annelise Dodds has been the Member of Parliament for Oxford East since 2017. Before becoming Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer in April 2020, she was Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury from July 2017 – April 2020. Before this she served for three years as a Member of the European Parliament for South East England.



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Johnson government
HM Treasury
Institute for Government

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