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Online event

Brexit: where next?

The Institute for Government Brexit team discussed the PM’s ambitious timetable and the prospects of the deal.

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There are six months to go until the end of the transition period and still no sign of a UK–EU deal. Following the high-level conference between the prime minister and the presidents of the European institutions (the Commission, the Council and the Parliament) on 15 June 2020, Boris Johnson stated that his ambition is to agree a deal by the end of July.

The Institute for Government Brexit team discussed the prime minister’s ambitious timetable, the prospects of a deal, and what governments and businesses will need to do prepare for the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020.


  • Maddy Thimont Jack, Senior Researcher, Institute for Government
  • Jess Sargeant, Senior Researcher, Institute for Government
  • Georgina Wright, Senior Researcher, Institute for Government
  • James Kane, Associate, Institute for Government

The event was chaired by Jill Rutter, Senior Fellow, Institute for Government.


Country (international)
European Union
Political party
Johnson government
Institute for Government

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