Working to make government more effective

Online event

Carillion: two years on

Two years on from the collapse of Carillion, this panel discussed the findings of a new Institute for Government report assessing whether government h

The collapse of Carillion was driven by the reckless behaviour of the company’s directors, but government admitted its own approach to outsourcing had often been poor, and the system of checks and balances had not worked. Two years on, this panel discussed the findings of a new Institute for Government report assessing whether government has succeeded in implementing reforms.

Tom Sasse, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Government, presented the key findings.

The panel included:

  • Chris Luck, CEO of Shaw Trust
  • Liz Crowhurst, Head of Infrastructure and Public Sector Policy at CBI

The event was chaired by Nick Davies, Programme Director at the Institute for Government.


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We would like to thank Shaw Trust for supporting this event.


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