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Online event

Is the civil service ready for Article 50?

The triggering of Article 50 is imminent; the UK is about to start the formal process of withdrawal from the European Union.

The triggering of Article 50 is imminent; the UK is about to start the formal process of withdrawal from the European Union.

For the civil service, this will signal the next stage in a task that has been described as ‘having few, if any, parallels in complexity’ by Sir Jeremy Heywood, Cabinet Secretary.

The Institute for Government in partnership with UK in a Changing Europe asked:

  • What will the next couple of years have in store?
  • How will the shape of the civil service need to adapt to life outside the EU?
  • How has the civil service risen to the challenge of Brexit?

Sarah Healey, Director General at Department for Exiting the EU, and Professor Anand Menon, Director of the UK in a Changing Europe discussed these questions.

This event was chaired by Jill Rutter, Programme Director at the Institute for Government.

Read our report with the UK in a Changing Europe, The civil service after Article 50

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