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Online event

Data after Brexit

This event discussed the implications of the UK potentially losing access to EU data

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Data is increasingly fundamental to modern life, with the free flow of information around the EU enabling businesses to provide services, law enforcement agencies to collaborate, and more.

The UK will lose easy access to this data after Brexit, resulting in enormous disruption – unless it can secure an 'adequacy' decision, where the European Commission recognises the UK's data protection regime as comparable to the EU's own.

This event assessed the chances of getting an adequacy decision with just weeks to go, the implications of failing to secure one, and the scope for the UK to develop its own, distinct regulatory approach on data either way.


  • J. Scott Marcus, Senior Fellow at Bruegel
  • Jeni Tennison, Vice President and Chief Strategy Adviser at the Open Data Institute
  • Antony Walker, Deputy CEO at techUK

The event was chaired by Gavin Freeguard, Programme Director at the Institute for Government.

This event was kindly supported by techUK.




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