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Online event

How to be a Prime Minister

A fascinating IFG LIVE discussion looks back on 300 years of prime ministers and explores the pressures and pitfalls of being at the top of the politi

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Three centuries have passed since Robert Walpole became the first prime minister of Great Britain. The context of government has changed enormously, but aspects of the role remain the same. Of the 55 people who held the post some achieved greatness, some struggled with circumstances, others failed dismally. 

So what is the key to being a successful prime minister? How does Boris Johnson compare to his predecessors? And does the job itself need a fundamental makeover?

A fascinating new IFG LIVE discussion looks back on 300 years of prime ministers, and explores the pressures and pitfalls of being at the top of the political greasy pole.


Presented by Catherine Haddon

Prime minister
Number 10
Institute for Government

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