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Online event

IfG Briefing: The First 100 Days – where next?

On 21 March it will have been 100 days since the 2019 General Election. Join IfG experts to discuss what the government has achieved so far.

Please note: This event was recorded as part of the IfG LIVE podcast.

On 21 March it will have been 100 days since the 2019 General Election. Our IfG experts discussed what the government has achieved so far and looked ahead to its plans for the coming months.

Is the government’s new 87-strong parliamentary working majority impacting its legislative agenda? How are future trade negotiations with the EU and other countries progressing? What does the budget tell us about the government’s priorities and its approach to the public finances?

We assessed how the government is performing against Boris Johnson’s pledges for his first 100 days and discuss how things are likely to progress. Read our Policy Tracker for our analysis

Our panel included: 

  • Dr Gemma Tetlow, Chief Economist
  • Joe Owen, Programme Director, Brexit
  • Nick Davies, Programme Director, Public Services
  • Alex Thomas, Programme Director, Civil Service

The event was chaired by Bronwen Maddox, Director of the Institute for Government.

Listen to the event




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