Working to make government more effective

Online event

Netting zero

The government has said the UK will reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. But what does it need to do to meet its target?

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The government has said the UK will reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. But what does it need to do to meet its target? What would a serious net zero plan look like? How does government need to change to implement one? And, in the week the Climate Assembly launches its findings, how should the public be involved in decisions? 

Jill Rutter, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Government is in conversation with:

  • Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the Committee on Climate Change
  • Rebecca Willis, Professor in Practice at Lancaster University and Expert Lead at Climate Assembly UK
  • Emma Norris, Director of Research at the Institute for Government
  • Tom Sasse, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Government

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