Working to make government more effective


Incisive commentary from the IfG’s expert team on issues facing government and key ministerial decisions.

From analysis of key political events such as budgets and party conferences to snap responses to unexpected developments such as government reshuffles, our writers set out their views and analyse what government gets right, what it gets wrong, and what it can do better.  

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Displaying 2291 - 2300 of 2409
22 JUL 2011 Comment

The Art of Cabinet Minute-taking

Cabinet Minutes as "a source of satirical magnificence". Dr Catherine Haddon blogs about Cabinet minute-taking through the years.

14 JUL 2011 Comment

Who is fit and proper?

As the News International scandal unfolds the appointment of Andy Coulson to the Director of Communications role at No.10 remains the focus.

13 JUL 2011 Comment

Lords Joint Committee

The joint committee on Lords reform has been welcomed but is it flawed?

12 JUL 2011 Comment

Wide open public services

The Government’s ambitious public services White Paper contains little that’s entirely new – but could this actually be its main strength?

07 JUL 2011 Comment

From attack dogs to ministers

Relief for Miliband as his plans to appoint shadow ministers get the nod but there are tough decisions ahead for the Labour leader.