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UK Supreme Court justices

Constitutions under pressure: Lessons for the UK

In this episode, we examine constitutional challenges and reflect on what lessons we can learn for the UK constitution.

The UK constitution is uncodified and a product of centuries of evolution, makes it hard to compare directly to the constitution of other countries. However, there are still important observations to be made from around the world.

In this podcast, we examine constitutional challenges and reflect on what lessons we can learn for the UK constitution. We speak to the head of research in the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Professor Tarun Khaitan, to discuss Narendra Modi’s approach to the Indian constitution and his ‘chipping away’ at democratic institutions through amendments to the law and changes to constitutional practice

We also speak to dean of Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Law School, Isabel Aninat and academic at the University of Santiago, Chile and academic coordinator at the new constitution observatory, Dr Pamela Figueroa, who discuss the 2019 protests that led to Chile writing a new constitution, and why the new draft was rejected.

Finally, senior editor at Peter Erdelyi discusses the constitution in Hungary under Fidesz and Viktor Orbán.

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Institute for Government

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