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British prime minister Tony Blair and US president George Bush at a press conference in Washington in 2006.

Iraq war 20th anniversary: The Robin Butler interview

Lord Butler, chair of the Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction, joins us to discuss the lessons from the Iraq War 20 years on.

The decision to go to war in Iraq – 20 years ago this week – remains both the most controversial and consequential American and British foreign policy of the last quarter of a century.

Just over a year after the war began, Robin Butler, a former cabinet secretary, published his Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction – better known as the Butler Review. The weapons were never found, and the debate about the decision to go to war has never ended.

To mark the 20th anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, to look back at the key findings of his report, and to ask how government has changed since – and whether lessons have been learned, Catherine Haddon speaks to Lord Butler for this special episode of Inside Briefing.

People featured in this episode

Blair government
Public figures
Tony Blair
Institute for Government

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