Working to make government more effective

Jeremy Hunt, chancellor, outside No 11 Downing Street with the budget case in his hand.

The Morning After The Budget Before

Henry Hill, Deputy Editor of Conservative Home, joins us to assess Jeremy Hunt's budget.

Jeremy Hunt hands a pensions tax break to the better off and free childcare to families. There’s £9bn of allowances to business – but little mention of public services and only vague assurances about falling living standards. What’s in the small print? Plus, Boris Johnson comes up before the Privileges Committee next week. Will it be a day of reckoning for the former PM? Henry Hill, Deputy Editor of Conservative Home, is our special guest.

“By the standards of past budgets this is a success in that the government hasn’t fallen over and gone on fire.” – Henry Hill

“This economic situation hurts everyone’s living standards. Whatever is in the budget, people are going to feel that they’re just not getting better off.” – Giles Wilkes

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