Working to make government more effective


Connecting Policy with Practice

This discussion paper marks the launch of the Connecting Policy with Practice programme.

Governments of all hues have acknowledged the benefits for policy makers of looking beyond the confines of Whitehall to develop their knowledge, skills and capability. This is increasingly important in an era of decentralised service delivery and decreasing resources when policy makers need innovative, low-cost solutions to pressing policy problems. Policy makers are beginning to develop their role as stewards of complex systems and to better understand the interactions and connections between different parts of the delivery landscape.   

At the same time, voluntary-sector organisations delivering services at the sharp end face the challenges of new types of commissioning, stretched resources and the realities of providing tailored, personalised support to people most in need. Now is a crucial time for voluntary organisations to share best practice and shape policy.

In this context, the Institute for Government and the Big Lottery Fund have formed a programme to bring Whitehall policy makers closer to the front line of service delivery. It is focused on two major Big Lottery Fund investments into supporting adults with multiple and complex needs; and helping young people into education, employment or training.

The programme aims to draw out cross-cutting lessons as to how services should be designed and delivered to make long-term improvements to stubborn social policy problems of this sort. It also looks at the risks and benefits of different funding models to achieve this goal, and how collaboration and partnership can work in practice to deliver joined-up and efficient public services.

This is the first paper to be published as part of the programme and is intended to open out discussion and capture emerging themes at this early stage. Through the first year of programme, the Institute will continue to test the ideas and build on the themes and issues set out here, culminating in a final report in November 2013.

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