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Unfinished Business: Where next for Executive Agencies?

Kate Jenkins takes a look at the agency model 20 years on after her last report.

Jen Gold Kate Jenkins

The Institute for Government asked Kate Jenkins, author of the original report, to take a look at the agency model twenty years on and at what the Government needs to do now to make the most of the agency model. 

Her conclusions are set out in a new Inside Out publication ‘Unfinished Business: Where next for Executive Agencies?

The report was launched at a round table event held at the Institute for Government where Kate offered a number of recommendations going forward: 

  • departments must establish a clear business case before setting up agencies; 
  • a structured framework of accountability needs to be established; 
  • departments need to improve the expertise of their policy divisions; and 
  • agency outcomes need to be clearly defined and periodically revised by departments.

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