Working to make government more effective

Insight paper

Revamping government reform

The Institute for Government's view on the latest plans for the civil service.

Whitehall SW1
Two years on the from the Declaration on Government Reform, the Cabinet Office has announced five new 'missions'.

Two years after the publication of the Declaration on Government Reform, the government has set out a long-awaited refresh of its civil service reform programme. Cabinet Office minister Jeremy Quin detailed his priorities for the civil service on 19 July, focusing on: “specialisation, more access to outside voices and fresh ideas, staying longer in post, delivering certainty on what we are seeking to achieve and benefiting from crisp evaluation on whether we have, while embracing the digital future which will transform all our working lives”.

At the same time, five ‘reform missions’ were announced, with little fanfare, on GOV.UK. This short insight paper offers the Institute for Government's view on the new changes.

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