Working to make government more effective


Creating and sustaining an effective strategic dialogue with business

This slideshow presents the results of recent Institute research on government engagement with business.

This slideshow presents the results of recent Institute research on government engagement with business. The research looked at how government can engage with business in a ‘strategic dialogue’­ – an ongoing interaction with organisations based around a set of issues or interests that require co‐ordination.

The research examined the Department for Business, Innovation and Skill’s (BIS) experience of sector councils as a ‘model’ for dialogue. Sector council’s were formed as part of the 2010–2015 Coalition Government’s Industrial Strategy to enhance dialogue between industry and government. Eleven sector councils were established, with an additional council for the creative industries formed in 2011.

By looking at the sector councils, we draw out some general lessons about how to create and sustain an effective dialogue regardless of the model used. 

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