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Displaying 3351 - 3360 of 3807
28 MAR 2014 IfG in the news

The lonely world of Spadville

The Spectator's Coffee House blog prints excerpts from Nick Hillman's essay on his time as a special adviser to David Willetts MP, Minister for Univer

27 MAR 2014 IfG in the news

Waging a more efficient war

Civil Service World features an interview with IfG researcher Jonathan Pearson on our new report, 'Leading Change in the Civil Service'.

27 MAR 2014 IfG in the news

Whitehall - not the final cut

To survive the 2015 Spending Review, civil service leaders will have to step out of departmental silos and take transformation a whole lot further, ac

11 MAR 2014 IfG in the news

Five reasons why quangos fail

A new report by the Institute for Government identifies a number of common themes in the demise of the Audit Commission and two other improvement agen