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Displaying 3391 - 3400 of 3807
12 JAN 2014 IfG in the news

Dave and Nick can't divorce

Sky News Political Editor Adam Boulton examines the 'marriage' between the two Coalition parties, noting they are unlikely to divorce despite obvious

06 JAN 2014 IfG in the news

Savile victims call for single inquiry

IfG Director Peter Riddell tells BBC Radio 5live Breakfast that those calling for a single Savile inquiry may not necessarily get justice.

15 DEC 2013 IfG in the news

Westminster Hour - on accountability

Jill Rutter appears alongside Parliamentary Administration Select Committee chairman Bernard Jenkin MP on BBC Radio 4's Westminster Hour.

12 DEC 2013 IfG in the news

It's time to reform the civil service

Liaison Committee member and chairman of the Parliament Adminstration Select Committee Bernard Jenkin MP calls for an overhaul of the Civil Service.