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Online event

Mark Drakeford FM of Wales in conversation with Bronwen Maddox

The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome the First Minister of Wales, the Rt Hon Mark Drakeford MS.

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The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome the First Minister of Wales, the Rt Hon Mark Drakeford MS.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected every part of the UK and has put the relationship between Westminster and the devolved bodies to the test.

Mark Drakeford joined Bronwen Maddox, Director of the Institute for Government, to discuss the relationship between Westminster and Cardiff, how the Welsh government has forged its own path, and the rebuilding of the UK’s economy.

Mark Drakeford was appointed First Minister of Wales in December 2018. He previously served as Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Brexit Minister and Health Minister. He has been a Member of the Welsh Parliament, representing Cardiff West, since 2011.

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United Kingdom
Political party
Devolved administration
Welsh government
Institute for Government

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