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Online event

Institute for Government at the 2017 Labour Party Conference

The Institute for Government held two fringe events at the 2017 Labour Party Conference

Tuesday 26 September

Will the new metro mayors change British politics?

Metro mayors - IfG at the Labour Party Conference

Chair: Dr Jo Casebourne (Chief Executive, Early Intervention Foundation)


  • Jim McMahon (Member of Parliament for Oldham West and Royton)
  • Vicki Purewal (Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge)
  • Sam Smethers (Chief Executive, Fawcett Society)
  • Campbell Robb (Chief Executive, Joseph Rowntree Foundation)

This event was kindly supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

@IfGevents | #IfGMayors | #Lab17


Immigration after Brexit

Immigration after Brexit - IfG at the Labour Party Conference

Chair: Emma Norris (Programme Director, Institute for Government) 


  • Stephen Kinnock (Member of Parliament for Aberavon) 
  • Dame Donna Kinnair (Director of Nursing, Policy and Practice, Royal College of Nursing)
  • Marie Le Conte (Journalist)
  • Joe Owen (Senior Researcher, Institute for Government)

@IfGevents | #IfGBrexit | #Lab17

Metro mayor
Institute for Government

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