Working to make government more effective


Our explainers cover key subjects relating to our work, setting out key facts and figures and answering the most important questions about government.

What is a budget? How are general elections called? What does the cabinet secretary do?  

From topical explanations of cabinet reshuffles or new legislation to the details of parliamentary process or important government institutions, our explainers are easily digestible short-reads.

Compiled by our experts and constantly updated, our explainers cover key subjects relating to our work, setting out key facts and figures and answering the most important questions about government.

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Displaying 181 - 190 of 589
25 JAN 2022 Explainer

Public bodies

Public bodies deliver a public or government service, though not as a ministerial department.

14 JAN 2022 Explainer

Sue Gray investigation

Boris Johnson announced an investigation into allegations that Christmas parties in November and December 2020 broke the government’s own Covid rules.

12 JAN 2022 Interview

Eric Pickles

Lord Pickles considers his five years as secretary of state for communities and local government.

23 DEC 2021 Explainer

Vaccine mandates

Vaccine mandates are a way to compel people to get vaccinations.

30 NOV 2021 Explainer

Local enterprise partnerships

Local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) are non-statutory bodies responsible for local economic development in England.

29 NOV 2021 Interview

Hazel Blears

Hazel Blears was interviewed on 29 November 2021 for the Institute for Government’s Ministers Reflect project.

24 NOV 2021 Interview

Johnny Mercer

Johnny Mercer discusses his work on veterans’ issues, trying to pass legislation in parliament. He also discusses working with Boris Johnson.

19 NOV 2021 Explainer

Supply chain problems

Since the summer of 2021, widespread disruption to supply chains has hit the headlines – both in the UK and globally.