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Our explainers cover key subjects relating to our work, setting out key facts and figures and answering the most important questions about government.

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Compiled by our experts and constantly updated, our explainers cover key subjects relating to our work, setting out key facts and figures and answering the most important questions about government.

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Displaying 411 - 420 of 589
17 DEC 2018 Interview

Leighton Andrews

Leighton Andrews reflects on governing in Wales.

12 DEC 2018 Explainer

Article 50 extension

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is the legal process for leaving the EU.

05 DEC 2018 Interview

Kenny MacAskill

Kenny MacAskill reflects on deciding to release Abdelbaset al-Megrahi from prison, merging the Scottish police forces and preparing for the referendum

16 NOV 2018 Explainer

No-deal Brexit: EU preparations

Both the UK Government and the EU have said that their aim is to reach a deal that delivers a smooth and orderly exit from the EU.