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Displaying 3601 - 3610 of 3719 results
21 APR 2011 Comment

Fear of piloting

A group of Lib Dem peers want to delay national roll out of elected police commissioners until they have been piloted.

19 APR 2011 Comment

Policy iPad or policy New Coke?

According to one senior civil servant, "if we built aeroplanes the way we build policy, none would ever fly".

18 APR 2011 Report

System Stewardship

It argues that policy makers need to see themselves as stewards of systems with multiple actors and decision makers.

18 APR 2011 Report

Making policy better

Our report proposes a series of changes to embed better policy making into the system.

11 APR 2011 Comment

Why localism is a load of rubbish

The announcement on restricting local authority discretion on waste suggests the government does not get its own localist agenda.

08 APR 2011 Report

Nothing to do with me?

Our report focuses on how ministerial accountability will affect the government's plans to decentralise public services.