Working to make government more effective

Akash Paun

Programme Director

Akash is a programme director at the Institute. He leads the Institute’s devolution programme, overseeing work on the state of the union, and devolution to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and to English cities and regions. 

He has previously conducted research on subjects including civil service accountability, parliamentary reform, coalition and minority government.  

Akash studied politics and political economy and joined the Institute in 2008 after completing a master’s degree. He has worked at the UCL Constitution Unit, the British Academy, the London School of Economics, and as an English teacher in Prague and Paris. 

In May 2022 Akash was also appointed by the Welsh Government to the expert panel advising the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales. 

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17 SEP 2019 Explainer

Hung parliaments

A hung parliament occurs when no party holds a majority of seats in the House of Commons.

16 JUL 2019 Report

Has Devolution Worked?

The success of devolution to Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, London and the English regions since 1999.

30 MAY 2019 Explainer

Local government

The local government system varies in many ways between the four nations of the UK. We explain the structure and political balance in each nation.

01 MAY 2019 Report

Devolution at 20

A comprehensive analysis of how devolution has worked in the UK.

21 MAR 2019 Report

Ministers reflect on devolution

Ministers in Scotland and Wales say they are ignored by the Government in Westminster, and this feeling has been heightened in the wake of the Brexit.

18 JAN 2019 Interview

Carwyn Jones

Carwyn Jones reflects on leading minority and coalition governments in Wales and dealing with of Brexit and its impact on the constitution.

17 DEC 2018 Interview

Leighton Andrews

Leighton Andrews reflects on governing in Wales.

05 DEC 2018 Interview

Kenny MacAskill

Kenny MacAskill reflects on deciding to release Abdelbaset al-Megrahi from prison, merging the Scottish police forces and preparing for the referendum