Working to make government more effective

Alex Thomas

Programme Director

Alex is a programme director leading the Institute’s work on the civil service and policy making. He heads the team researching civil service reform, government accountability, better policy making and looking at the effectiveness of government departments. Alex is a regular commentator on radio, television and in the print media. 

Alex joined the IfG in January 2020, having previously been a director in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), leading teams working on Brexit and animal and plant health. Before that, Alex was principal private secretary to Sir Jeremy Heywood, cabinet secretary and head of the civil service. 

Alex worked in the Department of Health from 2015–16, the Cabinet Office on constitutional and electoral matters from 2010–15, and in Defra from 2003–10 on a variety of environment, climate change and agricultural policies. 

All work

01 SEP 2020 Report

Decision making in a crisis

This report examines decisions made in three areas: economic support, Covid-19 testing and the lockdown.

23 JUL 2020 Comment

Civil service reform goes mainstream

To make progress, the government needs to change the incentives for civil servants, welcome scrutiny and be prepared to devolve power.

07 JUL 2020 Explainer

National security adviser

The national security adviser is the central co-ordinator and adviser to the prime minister and cabinet on security, intelligence, defence, and some f

26 JUN 2020 Explainer

Cabinet secretary

The cabinet secretary is the most senior civil service adviser to the prime minister and cabinet.