Working to make government more effective

Jill Rutter is a Senior Fellow.  She worked at the Institute from 2009 to 2019, leading work on Brexit, policy making and arm’s length bodies.  Before joining the Institute she spent most of her career in the civil service, working at HM Treasury, No.10 and most recently at the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.  

Jill is a regular commentator on a wide range of issues about government, the civil service and Brexit.  She is employed as a Senior Research Fellow at UK in a Changing Europe and Kings College London. She is an adviser to the National Infrastructure Commission on net zero and to Westminster Council’s Energy and Green Transition Commission.  

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29 JUN 2011 Comment

The incredible and the unbelievable

The publication yesterday of Ipsos Mori’s Veracity Index again shows the low regard in which the public hold ministers and politicians.

21 APR 2011 Comment

Fear of piloting

A group of Lib Dem peers want to delay national roll out of elected police commissioners until they have been piloted.

19 APR 2011 Comment

Policy iPad or policy New Coke?

According to one senior civil servant, "if we built aeroplanes the way we build policy, none would ever fly".

18 APR 2011 Report

Making policy better

Our report proposes a series of changes to embed better policy making into the system.