Working to make government more effective

Ketaki Zodgekar

Research Assistant

Ketaki was a research assistant at the Institute, working on the Whitehall Monitor project and ministers team. She graduated with a degree in Politics and Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh, through which she spent a year studying at Barnard College, Columbia University.

Ketaki has previously worked at the Guardian and West Wing Writers.

All work

16 JAN 2020 Analysis paper

Whitehall Monitor 2020

Continued turnover of ministers and civil servants could disrupt the delivery of government projects and policies.

20 DEC 2019 Explainer

Government majority

There are 650 seats in parliament. To have an overall majority, a political party must win over half of these seats: at least 326.

04 NOV 2019 Explainer

Payroll vote

The 'payroll vote' is the body of MPs who hold offices that require them to support the government.

04 NOV 2019 Explainer

Collective responsibility

Collective responsibility is the convention whereby individual members of the government are accountable for the actions and decisions of government.