Working to make government more effective

Nick Davies

Programme Director

Nick is the programme director leading the Institute’s work on public services and outsourcing. He has also previously overseen research on infrastructure. Before joining the Institute, Nick led the public services team at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. He has also worked at Children England, London Youth and as a parliamentary researcher for an MP. 

Nick is a regular commentator in print, on the radio and TV, for outlets including BBC News, Sky News, Times Radio, BBC Radio 5 Live, the Guardian and the Telegraph

All work

03 MAR 2020 Report

Carillion: two years on

The Johnson government risks another Carillion if it doesn’t get behind the reforms put forward after the firm’s liquidation.

07 JAN 2020 Interview

Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt reflects on his nine years in the cabinet, including serving as the longest-serving health secretary, and his role in the Leveson Inquiry.

05 NOV 2019 Report

Performance Tracker 2019

Performance Tracker 2019 projects the demand and spending on nine public services for the next five years.

21 OCT 2019 Interview

Chris Grayling

Chris Grayling talks about his various ministerial roles, including key decisions he made as justice and transport secretary.