Working to make government more effective

Sachin is a researcher on the Institute's ministers team. His work focuses on the role of ministers and how they can be most effective during their time in office. He has also worked on projects relating to the Home Office, including looking at asylum policy in the UK.

Sachin studied interdisciplinary Social Sciences at university. During his degree, he completed an Erasmus+ placement in Paris and interned at the civil service. 

All work

12 APR 2024 Explainer

Ministerial directions

Ministerial directions are formal instructions telling departments to proceed with a spending proposal, despite objection from permanent secretaries.

01 FEB 2024 Analysis paper

The benefits of transparency

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer should commit to a more transparent approach to government if they win the next general election.

16 JAN 2024 Report chapter

Whitehall Monitor 2024: Part 2

Recommendations for civil service reform covering the workforce, ministers, the centre of government, policy making, digital and AI, and resilience.