Working to make government more effective

Tim Durrant

Programme Director

Tim is a programme director at the Institute, leading the ministers team. His work focuses on the role of ministers and how they can be most effective during their time in office. Tim also works as part of the IfG Academy team, delivering workshops and other development sessions for ministers, their private offices and other civil servants. He is also a CAPE fellow in 2022/23.  

Tim has a BA in Middle Eastern Studies. He began his career working on Middle Eastern issues at the Department for International Development before moving to HM Treasury, where he worked on energy and climate policy and Europe. Following the 2016 referendum he began working on Brexit policy, and in 2017 moved to the Institute to join the Brexit team.  

All work

12 JAN 2022 Interview

Eric Pickles

Lord Pickles considers his five years as secretary of state for communities and local government.

24 NOV 2021 Interview

Johnny Mercer

Johnny Mercer discusses his work on veterans’ issues, trying to pass legislation in parliament. He also discusses working with Boris Johnson.

06 OCT 2021 Report

The Boardman review

The Boardman review should be taken seriously by a government that has faced substantial criticism over the past year over its approach to ethical sta

30 SEP 2021 Report

Government transparency

Government departments are failing to live up to transparency commitments made by successive PMs