Working to make government more effective


Displaying 631 - 640 of 1073
15 APR 2018 Report

Voting on Brexit

Parliament’s ‘meaningful vote’ on the Brexit deal will be more than a yes-or-no choice.

05 APR 2018 Report

Devolution after Brexit

All four governments of the UK – Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Westminster – must go back to the drawing board to redefine their relationships

04 APR 2018 Online event

How government responds to crises

In times of emergency, the public looks to government to keep them safe, making responding to crises an important role for government.

04 APR 2018 Online event

Voting on Brexit

At our panel discussion Raphael Hogarth, Research Associate at the Institute for Government, will present key findings from Voting on Brexit, the Inst

03 APR 2018 Online event

A civil service fit for the future

The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary, to deliver a keynote

26 MAR 2018 Online event

In conversation with Nick Clegg

The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome The Rt Hon Sir Nick Clegg. The former Deputy Prime Minister will speak about the UK's future rel

26 MAR 2018 Online event

In conversation with Keir Starmer

The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome the Rt Hon Keir Starmer QC MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, to disc