Working to make government more effective


Displaying 131 - 140 of 439
31 JAN 2022 Explainer

Local government unitarisation

Unitarisation is a type of local government reorganisation that replaces county and district councils in ‘two-tier’ areas with a single tier.

30 JAN 2022 Explainer

Northern Ireland government formation

Northern Ireland has special power-sharing arrangements that require the largest political parties from both communities to be in government.

26 JAN 2022 Interview

Michael Russell

Michael Russell reflects on his role as Scottish cabinet secretary for education, and as the minister responsible for UK-EU relations during Brexit.

12 JAN 2022 Interview

Eric Pickles

Lord Pickles considers his five years as secretary of state for communities and local government.

30 NOV 2021 Explainer

Local enterprise partnerships

Local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) are non-statutory bodies responsible for local economic development in England.