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Displaying 3521 - 3530 of 3719 results
08 NOV 2011 Report

See-through Whitehall

The Institute believes the Business Plans represent a positive step but there is still a long way to go.

04 NOV 2011 Comment

Feed-in frenzy

Junior climate change Minister Greg Barker answered a topical question on the government's proposed changes to "feed-in tariffs".

03 NOV 2011 Comment

Kicking the habit

The Children in Care and Adoption league tables serves a reminder of how hard it is for departments to relinquish their oversight over local services.

01 NOV 2011 Comment

Time to reinvent the role of ministers

A clash between the Commons Public Administration Committee and the Government underlines the need for a review of ministerial numbers and functions.

27 OCT 2011 Comment

Multiple Choice Test

Soon Scottish people will be given the chance to vote on UK withdrawal. The plan, to hold a multi-option referendum, not a straight yes/no choice.

24 OCT 2011 Comment

Negative feedback

The Care Quality Commission recently produced a damning report into NHS care of the elderly.

18 OCT 2011 Comment

Next steps in Welsh devolution

The Secretary of State for Wales recently announced the membership and remit of the independent Commission on Devolution in Wales.

17 OCT 2011 Report

The dismal science?

Economists can be true friends of good government and democracy.