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Displaying 3541 - 3550 of 3719 results
22 SEP 2011 Comment

Putting out the FiRe

Another week, another example of a big government project failing at scale.

20 SEP 2011 Comment

Barriers to entry

Nick Clegg this week launched a new strategy to improve the diversity of Liberal Democrat MPs.

16 SEP 2011 Comment

We need to talk about.... taxes

The publication of the IFS’s review of the tax system this week shows up the deficiencies in the way we make policy about taxation.

13 SEP 2011 Comment


The House of Commons has arranged debates on two of the most popular e-petitions, but flaws remain in the system risking voter disillusionment.

06 SEP 2011 Comment

Masters of the universe

Two Tory MPs offers analysis of the banking crisis in a book confronting the need for bankers and policymakers to change their incentives.

05 SEP 2011 Comment

Science lessons

Can policy makers learn anything from the way in which some elements of the scientific community now approach collaboration?