Working to make government more effective

Nehal Davison

Programme Director

Nehal is the programme director leading the Institute's work on policy making. Before joining the Institute, Nehal spent seven years working in the New Zealand government. She was a principal policy advisor at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for five years where she led policies on skills, employment and labour market issues. Before that, she worked on a range of whole-of-government reform agendas in New Zealand’s Public Service Commission and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Prior to moving to New Zealand, Nehal worked at the Institute from 201217 where she led work on public services, civil service reform and ministerial development. She has also worked in PwC’s Advisory Practice, Demos Think Tank and the British Council. She holds a MPhil in International Relations, a History degree and an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

All work

04 MAR 2015 Comment

Meeting the mentors

This week’s Women Leaders event explored the value of mentoring in addressing gender inequality and concluded that all kinds of people could benefit.

25 MAR 2014 Comment

It’s personal

Why reform in the Civil Service succeeds or fails.

07 FEB 2014 Report

Civil Service Reform in the Real World

Why do some civil service reforms take off, while others limp on or tail off? What factors contribute to success – leadership, governance or collabora